Some youths feel no guilt whatsoever about having relations, and so they go all out for sensual gratification, seeking sex with a variety of partners. Researcher Robert Sorensen, in his study of teenage sexuality, observed that such youths pay a price for their promiscuity. Writes Sorensen: "In our personal interviews, many [promiscuous youths] reveal... that they believe they are functioning with little purpose and self contentment." Forty-six percent of these agreed with the statement, "The way I'm living right now, most of my abilities are going to waste." Sorensen further found that these promiscuous youths reported low "self esteem."
It is just as Proverbs 5:9 says: Those engaging in immorality "give to others [their] dignity."
Once a couple have had illicit relations, they often look at each other differently. A boy may find that his feelings for the girl are not as intense as before; he may even find her less attractive. A girl, on the other hand, may feel exploited. Recall the Bible account of the young man Amnon and how lovesick he was over the virgin Tamar. Yet, after intercourse with her, "Amnon began hating her with a very great hatred."
A girl named Maria had a similar experience. After having sexual relations, she admitted: "I hated myself ( for my weakness), and I hated my boyfriend. In fact, the sex relations we thought would bring us closer ended our relationship. I didn't even want to see him again." Yes, by having premarital sex, a couple cross a line over which they can never go back!
Paul H. Landis, a respected researcher in the field of family life, observes: "The temporary effect [ of premarital sex] may be to strenghten the relationship, but the long-term effects may be quite different." Indeed, couples who have sex are more likely to break up than are those who abstain! The reason? Illicit sex breeds jealousy and distrust. Admitted one youth: 'Some fellows, when they have intercourse, think afterwards, "if she had it with me maybe she had it with someone else.' As a matter of fact, I felt that way.... I was extremely jealous and doubtful, and suspicious."
How remote this is from genuine love, which "is not jealous,... does not behave indecently, does not look for its own interests." The love that builds lasting relationships is not based on blind passion.
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